Sunday, February 17, 2013

Continuing on from yesterday's post, here is my final thoughts on finding truth through Torah:
4) Job was also a gentile. He honored G-d alone. His wife tried to get him to curse G-d and die, but Job remained firm. G-d brought him through his trials and blessed him afterwards. Did Job need a savior? No. Just belief in the One True Creator of this world.
G-d is one. There is no other. There are varying beliefs as to when Job lived, one being during the time of Jacob, another is during the time of Moses. Regardless….he found G-d and stayed true in his complete faith in G-d. The Satan was allowed to test Job. The Satan was allowed to go before G-d to petition testing Job. The Satan is under G-d’s rule and cannot act unless G-d wills it. Job did not need a savior!
5) What about all the righteous individuals prior to the birth of Christianity? How did they become so righteous? For example: Enoch walked with G-d and then he was not for G-d took him. Enoch did not need a savior! Genesis (Bereishis) 5:21.
6) Deuteronomy (Devarim) 4:29 states: “From there you will seek Hashem, you G-d, and you will find Him, if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.”  This doesn’t state that in order to become close to G-d you must have a savior! Search for Him with all your heart and all your soul and you will find Him!
7) Moses was chosen of G-d to lead the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. This same Moses killed an Egyptian before being chosen. He was a humble man and G-d used him as a savior for Israel. Did Moses need anyone other than G-d? No.
8) Also consider this: G-d told Moses when Moses encountered G-d in the desert in Exodus (Shemos) 33:20 “You will not be able to see my face, for no human can see Me and live.” Now…along comes the new testament and there is Jesus. Christianity teaches that Jesus is god. G-d states that no human can see Him and live. Is G-d schizophrenic? Does He always contradict Himself? Suddenly man can look upon god and live? This alone raises so many questions for me.
9) Now to come to the matter of Jesus. I was raised in the church. I went to bible college and worked as a women’s counselor for 2 years teaching women to follow Jesus. How wrong I was! I can’t go back and change what I’ve done, but I can reveal the truth of Torah. Let’s start with what was going on during these turbulent times with the Jewish people. They were under Roman rule. There were a mix of people at the time. This mix of people included pagans that worshiped all sorts of gods. Let’s take a look at the pagan gods of the time. The Jewish people were ruled by the Romans (and we are still under Roman rule today. Look at our calendar. It was changed to follow Rome. The Pope gets big news from all over the world and the catholic church receives much attention.)
Mithras: Mithras had 12 disciples, was called Light of the World, Savior, born in a cave, born from a virgin, son of god, rose from the dead. Read about Mithras and it will amaze you how closely this matches Jesus. He is celebrated by the Romans on December 25th.
Horus: Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior. At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected."
10) Let’s look at the early beginnings of the Christian church. It takes a combination of paganism and Judaism to create the church. This took place during the time of Constantine, who was a pagan. Constantine was the ruler during the 3rd century. He forced bishops to come together and decide of the deity of Jesus. It was during this time that people were killing each other and as a way to prevent further killings the whole Jesus matter needed to be dealt with. These bishops were not necessarily righteous. It pays to read about the early church and I challenge anyone to do so. I was told to believe and have faith. Faith in who? Man? In fact, in most churches they have the Nicene Creed created from this meeting of the bishops. The Nicene Creed makes Jesus god. 
In Jeremiah chapter 17: verse 5 it says “ Cursed is the man who trusts in people and makes flesh and blood his strength and turns his heart away from G-d.”  During this whole Constantine era man decided on what man should believe. 

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