1) Chapter 4
Adam and Chavah
must have given birth to Cain and Abel before the curse. Otherwise why would
G-d increase her labor pains as punishment? It stands to reason that there was
a least one successful birth without pain to merit as punishment labor pains
from the sin of disobedience to G-d’s command not to eat of the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The good and evil
are related to the good inclination and the evil inclination which all mankind
have as a part of them when they are born.
2) Additionally,
G-d Himself breathes the soul of life into each baby born as evidenced by G-d
breathing the soul of life into Adam.
3) All mankind at
this point are considered gentiles. Noah was righteous in his generation. Due
to the state of mankind G-d chose Noah and his family to be saved during the
great flood. Noah did not need a savior! This flood falls on the 17th
day of Cheshvan on the Jewish calendar.
From Noah come the 7 Noahide laws that everyone must obey. What are the
7 Noahide laws?
From http://asknoah.org/ ‘The Noahide Code of 7 Divine
Commandments was
given to Noah and his children after the flood. These commandments would assure
Noah and his children, the pioneers of the new human race, that humanity would
not degenerate into a jungle again. The laws prohibit (1) idolatry, (2)
blasphemy, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, and (6) eating
meat that was taken from a still-living animal (cruelty to animals), and
require (7) establishment of courts of justice. The precepts included in these
commandments provide the guidelines for truly moral behavior, as the Divine Code
that is the foundation of all true morality.’I'll post more of this tomorrow.
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