Sunday, October 14, 2012

The beginning of the Torah portion for Genesis / Bereishis was last week with the whole creation story ending with the genealogy of Seth. No matter how many times I've read the creation story, I still am amazed at the number of lessons to be learned. Take for example the 2nd day of creation. There doesn't appear to be anything created that day. There is mention of the firmament and the separating of the waters. Water isn't even mentioned during the 1st day of creation. The 1st day states the creation of light and the separation of light and dark. On the 2nd day God/Hashem says "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate between water and and water. It doesn't state that God/Hashem created the water. Just a statement of a firmament to be in the midst of the waters and for it to separate between two waters. I found this to be curious. First of all there is the creation of light and darkness, then along comes a firmament to separate water.  The firmament is called Heaven, which God created on this 2nd day. So nothing is created for earth, just a mention of the firmament separating the waters with water above and water below. I did read about how a woman, when carrying a child in her womb has the child surrounded by amniotic fluid (water) and there are 9 months before the child is born. I guess, in a way, the earth will be born out of the waters.

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