I first discovered the truth of Torah back in 2003 when my sister and her family lived with me. They were converting to Judaism, I was actively involved in church. I was taught never to reject Jesus because he was the only way to eternal salvation. A lot of brainwashing as far as I am concerned. You see, God doesn't change. He is still the same God of creation as He is today. In Genesis He rested on the seventh day after all His creation work was completed. He doesn't change. It is man that has changed who God is, but God doesn't change. You can approach Him today and talk with Him without needing a 'saviour'. Through searching to try and prove my sister and brother in law that they were on a wrong course, I discovered that the entire "new" testament is false. It was written by those who would change who God is and to try and control the masses. Because of technology today we can all seek out the truth. I challenge anyone to try and prove that the churches are right, because in your searching, if you really want to find out the truth, you too will discover that we can all approach God without a saviour and include Him in your daily spiritual walk.
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