It was brought to my attention, in preparing for Passover, to also prepare for Passover within yourself. I've been doing a lot of spring cleaning as I prepare for the Passover celebration. It all comes down to redemption. The questions I've asked myself are things such as: what makes me prideful? What causes me to forget my Creator? What types of sins am I harboring inside that keep me from praying?
Passover is more than a celebratory meal connecting ourselves to the Jewish people leaving Egypt. It is more than just reading about the events that brought about their redemption. God sent many plagues upon Egypt to awaken everyone that He alone is God and there is no other. We don't control the world. God does. Him alone and there is no other. But...what controls me? Have I given everything to Him. It's time to clean up ourselves inside...things that keep us, control us, cause us to forgot that God alone is The Creator, redeemer, our all in all. There is no other. Ein Od Milvado.
Will He Come Home?
16 hours ago
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