Saturday, February 27, 2021

CKC Registered Male Standard Poodle

 Hello owners of female dogs. Samson Josiah is a CKC registered standard poodle and he is available for stud service. Interested people can make a comment with email address and I can send pictures. Thanks for your time.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

So many xiatians are worshiping a false religion. They don't even consider the fact that xmas is based on paganism. It was the birth of the sun god and turned into a the birth of the son of god instead. 
G-d did not need to create a man-god because He alone is the Creator. It is to Him we should go directly. Anyone can talk to G-d in their own language. G-d is not schizophrenic. He said He is G-d and He changes NOT. It was man alone that changed who G-d is by creating a man-god, born of a virgin...which is exactly the same as Zeus or Mithras. Read about it and become informed. Return back to the Living and Eternal G-d.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

This blog is just about my own thoughts. I yearn for the day when G-d sends Moshiach and all the world will turn their eyes to the one true Creator. All there is in the world is Hashem. If you can realize that there is nothing more, then life becomes easier. Every thing comes from G-d and is for the very best. Sit back, realize that G-d is in control, and live for Him. Not for you, not for anyone else, make your decisions based on the fact that you are not in control. The Creator is in control. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I just wanted to express my thanks to G-d for bringing me to know the truth of Torah. G-d doesn't change, man changes who G-d is, but G-d doesn't change. What was originally written in Torah is still true today. Anyone can pray to the Creator without have to pray through a false god. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I first discovered the truth of Torah back in 2003 when my sister and her family lived with me. They were converting to Judaism, I was actively involved in church. I was taught never to reject Jesus because he was the only way to eternal salvation. A lot of brainwashing as far as I am concerned. You see, God doesn't change. He is still the same God of creation as He is today. In Genesis He rested on the seventh day after all His creation work was completed. He doesn't change. It is man that has changed who God is, but God doesn't change. You can approach Him today and talk with Him without needing a 'saviour'.  Through searching to try and prove my sister and brother in law that they were on a wrong course, I discovered that the entire "new" testament is false. It was written by those who would change who God is and to try and control the masses. Because of technology today we can all seek out the truth. I challenge anyone to try and prove that the churches are right, because in your searching, if you really want to find out the truth, you too will discover that we can all approach God without a saviour and include Him in your daily spiritual walk.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

I am disturbed by the Supreme Court ruling in support of same sex marriage. This is something that I know is not supported by Our Creator. He made man and woman, Adam and Eve, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Children are a blessing and require be raised by a man and woman, mother and father. In Leviticus 18:22 it is stated "an aborrence". It is not something to take lightly and I believe America is in store for severe judgments by G-d Himself. I am crying inside as I think of how America has changed since the 1950's.  This summer things will happen, so don't be surprised. Return to G-d, repent, and start following His Holy Torah. Wake up people!